
A program from the initiative Bildungsinnovation braucht Bildungsforschung

Future of Digital Education and Learning

The ongoing digital transformation is massively and sustainably changing perceptions, concepts and processes in the economy, society and the private sphere. Computer science plays a central role in this change. In-depth knowledge of it is crucial for young people’s social and economic participation and requires motivated and qualified teachers.

In this project, computer science teaching is researched and critically discussed from a content, didactic and technological perspective, focusing on three essential topics: (1) artificial intelligence (AI) as age-appropriate teaching content and what skills teachers need, (2) improving the quality and availability of teaching through AI-based multimodal tutoring systems and mobile augmented reality environments, and (3) innovative teaching with well-founded concepts for distance learning with modern, contemporary teaching and learning materials.

“The shared vision of the researchers involved is to enable modern, contemporary computer science teaching, including and in particular basic digital education.To achieve this, it is necessary to ensure that motivated and excellently trained teachers implement this type of teaching in schools. This requires the empowerment of teachers, providing them with the necessary methodological, didactic, technical, organizational and technological tools.”

(Project management)

The project partners

The key value of our project lies in the combination of the IT expertise of Graz University of Technology with the practical application and school-based testing provided by the University College of Teacher Education Styria. Over the next three to four years, a total of six doctoral students will work on a modern, contemporary and skills-based computer science curriculum that includes basic digital education.

Central project website: futuredeal.phst.at

The program

The dissertation program “Future of Digital Education and Learning” addresses research questions on the use of digital technologies and content in school teaching.

The initiative

The initiative “Bildungsinnovation braucht Bildungsforschung” is funded with 8.8 million euros and aims to further develop the education sector on the basis of scientific findings in Austria. In doing so, young scientists in particular are supported.